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How can I contact UNICEF Aotearoa NZ?
Join Our Team
8 articles
Do you offer internships for high school students?
How can I volunteer with UNICEF Aotearoa NZ?
How can I volunteer for UNICEF in the field?
How do I get a job at UNICEF Aotearoa NZ?
How do I apply for an internship?
How and where do I apply for a job with UNICEF or UNICEF Aotearoa NZ?
What happens after I submit my job application?
Do you need help recruiting?
10 articles
How can I contact you?
Where does UNICEF operate and where is it based?
What does the acronym UNICEF stand for?
What does UNICEF do?
What does UNICEF do in New Zealand?
Where does UNICEF get its money from?
How much money does UNICEF spend on administrative costs?
I'm a member of the media - where do I go for information?
View all articles in “UNICEF 101”
Feedback Procedure
3 articles
How do I send feedback/complaint?
CID Code of Conduct
Complaints policy
Contact Us
1 article
How can I contact UNICEF Aotearoa NZ?
Troubleshooting/Payment Issues
2 articles
I found a bug on your website, what should I do?
I am having trouble accessing your website/donation forms. What should I do?
Global Parent FAQs
7 articles
Will I receive a receipt?
Can I update my contact and payment details on the website?
How can I update my contact and payment details?
What are the ways I can make my monthly donation?
Why is it better to become a Global Parent than to give a one-off donation to UNICEF?
Can I choose which appeal gets my monthly Global Parent donation?
When will my donation be deducted?
Ways To Give
3 articles
Donate via cheque & snail mail
Donation methods we do not support
Donate via Bank transfer
Fundraise for UNICEF
1 article
How to fundraise for UNICEF?
Legacy FAQ
19 articles
What is a legacy gift?
Why should I consider including UNICEF in my Will?
I already have a Will and would like to update it to include UNICEF
What happens if I don’t have a Will?
What happens if I change my mind?
Can I say where I want my gift to be used?
Can UNICEF help me write my Will?
I’ve already made a Will, do I have to make a new Will?
View all articles in “Legacy FAQ”